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The Board of Trustees

FonCSI’s board of trustees oversees the organization's activities.

Board members

Members by right

  • CNRS: Joël Bertrand (Treasurer)
  • INP Toulouse: Charly Poulliat
  • Conseil régional Occitanie: Thierry Cotelle


  • EDF: Cécile Laugier
  • ENGIE: Sonia Nouri
  • SNCF: Yohanna François
  • TotalEnergies: Cyril de Coatpont (Secretary)

Qualified people

  • Michel Descazeaux, former of ENGIE
  • André-Claude Lacoste (Chairman), former Chairman of the ASN
  • Jean-Paul Labarthe, EDF

Government commissioner

Marianne Peyrot, Regional Delegate for Research and Technology of Occitanie

Honorary member

René Deleuze, former director of ICSI-FonCSI

Invited members

René Amalberti, Director of FonCSI
Corinne Bieder, Scientific Director of FonCSI
Ivan Boissières, Director of ICSI
Pauline Fabre, Secretary-General of ICSI-FonCSI