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NeTWork an international network

FonCSI supports NeTWork, "New and Emerging Technologies and Work". This scientific network connects the world's best risk specialists.

What is NeTWork ?

FonCSI supports the NeTWork project. Every year, experts (researchers, industrialists, certification authorities …) discuss a question defined by the NeTWork steering committee in order to come up with lines of thinking that become points of reference and are incorporated into a book or the special issue of a scientific journal. A summary of the conclusions is also made available in the Cahier de la sécurité industrielle on the FonCSI website.

Watch the vidéo (optimised for Firefox and Chrome):
> NeTWork presentation
video in English, subtitled in French

FONCSI is an active NeTWork MEMBER

FonCSI plays an important role within NeTWork as a funding partner and organizer of the annual seminary. The foundation also has an important supporting role as it participates in the choice of topics and their publication, in order to ensure the dissemination of these innovative and sometimes provocative lines of thought.

Through NeTWork, FonCSI actively participates in the development of foresight with regards to industrial safety, and in so doing, helps the research issues of the future to emerge.


In the new series "SpringerBriefs in Safety Management",
published by Springer and edited by FonCSI:





Others books:


Special issues:


For more information, visit the NeTWork website:
