Saf€ra Report - Success in the face of uncertainty
Safety values
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In September 2013, the ERA-NET Saf€ra launched a European call for scientific proposals on industrial safety: “Human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety”, divided into two topics entitled “Resilience: improving management of safety” and “Value of safety and safety values”.
Resilience : Improving management of safety
Resilience is a concept introduced ten years ago. The work carried out as part of Saf€ra proposes its implementation through various industrial safety practices: integrating the concept of resilience into risk analysis methods, understanding disaster aversion and its impact on the establishment of regulations, and training managers of resilient organizations.
Research team for this work
Hans Baksteen, Arthur Dijkstra et Linda Bellamy (White Queen BV, Netherlands), Nijs Jan Duijm and Kirsten Jørgensen (Department of Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark), Anne van Galen (Anne van Galen Consultancy, France), Olga Aneziris and Ioannis Papazoglou (Institute of Nuclear Technology – Radiation Protection, NCSR "DEMOKRITOS", Greece).
How to integrate resilience concepts into the “bow-tie” risk analysis tool, and more specifically into an implementation used by the RIVM to analyze numerous occupational accidents in the Netherlands..
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