Why is this theme important?
Socio-demographic changes, technological and organizational shifts... there are considerable safety challenges linked to the skills of actors working in high-risk industries in the near future.
While this theme was touched upon in the ‘Operator of the future’ analysis that was included in the Foncsi’s previous scientific program, it needs to be explored in greater depth.
Two approaches to skills
First of all, skills can be considered as human resources with specific knowledge. In this first, so-called ‘globalizing’ approach, the terms skills, knowledge and resources are more-or-less synonymous.
The second approach is termed ‘situated’, and it defines skills as the application of knowledge in the workplace.
The major changes currently unfolding in the world are affecting these two aspects of ‘skills’. One of the challenges we face is to encourage companies to give greater weight to this second approach.
Reading advice
Foncsi publications
- Industrial safety in a changing world, Industrial Safety "Cahier", Foncsi
- Managing Future Challenges for Safety, SpringerBrief in Safety Management, Foncsi
A summary of a scientific article in french
- A systematic review on workplace health and safety of ageing construction workers, by Udara Ranasinghe, Liyaning Maggie Tang, Celia Harris, Weicong Li, Jed Montayre, Abílio de Almeida Neto et Mark Antoniou.
The strategic analysis
Strategic analysis is a working methodology developed by the Foncsi. It aims to ensure high-level research over a particularly short period (18-24 months), and to establish a continuum of innovation between research and industry.
There are four key stages:
- The state of the art
- The international academic seminar
- Comparison with industrial practices
- The industrial seminar
Find out more about strategic analyses
The project team for this analysis
Experts from companies and associated organizations
- Florence Reuzeau, Airbus
- Adeline Clos and Sophie Quiblier, ASNR (ASN)
- Stéphane Corcos, DSAC-DGAC
- Raluca Ciobanu and Stéphanie Michaud, EDF
- Romuald Périnet, GRTgaz
- Alexandre Largier and Audrey Marquet, ASNR (IRSN)
- Alain Giot, SNCF
- Michel Klein, TotalEnergies
Scientific experts
- Corinne Bieder, Scientific Director Foncsi
- Caroline Kamaté, Foncsi program manager
- Hervé Laroche, program coordinator
- Stéphanie Tillement, IMT Atlantique
Sectoral clusters
In parallel with the strategic analysis, the Foncsi has launched two sectoral working groups, known as ‘clusters’, one dedicated to construction and the other to energy services.
While keeping to the thread of the main analysis, these clusters zoom in on issues related to the ‘skills and careers’ theme for these sectors. An international dimension is encouraged, through links with international organizations.
The construction cluster
- Bruno Magnin, Bouygues Construction
- Dounia Tazi, Icsi
- Damien Santa Maria and Yann Le Duff, OPPBTP
- Daniel Soldini, Razel-Bec
- Régis Amberni, Vinci Construction
The energy services cluster
- Olivier Terral and Olivier Cournil, Enedis
- Brahim Garda, Equans
- Benjamin Razaiarisoa, Icsi
- Géraldine Réal and Philippe Haberstich, RTE
- Jérôme Lesne, Spie
- Soizic Machado-Verheye, Suez