Saf€ra Report - The value of safety and safety as a value
Safety values
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In September 2013, the ERA-NET Saf€ra launched a European call for scientific proposals on industrial safety: “Human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety”, divided into two topics entitled “Resilience: improving management of safety” and “Value of safety and safety values”.
The value of safety and safety values
The value of safety dares to address a frequently asked but difficult question: what is the contribution of the means put in place to improve safety, particularly those concerning human and organizational factors?
The values of safety raise questions about the societal values that lead us to demand ever-safer installations, in order to help boards of directors and managers in particular to better choose safety policies and strategies.
Research team for this work
Henriikka Ratilainen (Ed.), Simo Salminen, Gerard Zwetsloot, Pia Perttula, Annick Starren, Wouter Steijn, Krista Pahkin, Linda Drupsteen, Vuokko Puro, Tuula Räsänen, Markku Aaltonen, Frank Berkers, Virpi Kalakoski.
How do boards and managers define safety values, how do stakeholders build consensus on values, what difficulties can be encountered when putting safety values into practice?
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