A European Call for Proposals

Saf€ra is a European consortium, in which Foncsi participates. Saf€ra aims to coordinate research funding in the field of risk activities and their relations with society.

Saf€ra's ninth joint call, which has just been launched, concerns advanced materials and technologies, robotics, and artificial intelligence, to improve health, safety, and sustainability

With a focus on two themes:

Theme 1

Applications of advanced materials and technologies to reduce worker exposure to hazardous substances

Theme 2

Robotics and AI in health, safety, and sustainability contexts



February 5, 2025: Launch of the call

March 28, 2025: Deadline for pre-proposals
June 27, 2025: Deadline for full proposals

Project start: Early 2026


For more information 
Visit the Saf€ra website


New Technologies, a subject addressed by Foncsi

This European call for proposals will allow links to be made with the work undertaken by Foncsi through the strategic analysis on “Safety practices and the digital transition”.

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